REPLOY updates

December 18, 2023

Dr Morag Torrance represented REPLOY Power at IAEA’s International Symposium on the Deployment of Floating Nuclear Power Plants to identify policy objectives and international regulatory challenges for marine-based nuclear.

Representatives from 44 IAEA Member States in both the nuclear and maritime sectors gathered to discuss the benefits and challenges of utilizing floating nuclear power plants at the 2-day symposium in Vienna on November 14 and 15, 2023. Proving momentum is building in deploying marine-based nuclear power generation to meet Net Zero goals.

Participants ranged from SMR vendors, nuclear engineers, government representatives, regulators, lawyers, UN/IMO staff, to shipbuilders, representatives from energy intensive industries researching options to decarbonize production processes, maritime classification agencies and nuclear transportation firms. All recognized the potential of marine based modular SMRs to leverage modularity to bring costs down and their flexibility in bringing power to remote areas.  

On the conference, Dr Torrance quoted:

"The conference proved marine-based nuclear power generation is here to stay. The development is a great step for nuclear power and accessible energy, and we're pleased that REPLOY's design fits well into the future of power production."

To speak with Morag about her time at the IAEA symposium or REPLOY Power in the EU contact

To learn more about REPLOY Power and the Submerged Power System visit or contact us at

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