REPLOY updates

October 10, 2023

Pathfinder Energy Developments is excited to announce the first release of one of its innovative energy projects, with the launch of REPLOY Power.

With growing market interest in marine nuclear, REPLOY Power has been established to focus on developing the SPS (Submerged Power System). Pathfinder remains 100% shareholder whilst REPLOY Power begins a process to broaden its investor base to suitably qualified investors and then accelerate.

“With over 10 years of development, we’re thrilled that the SPS project has reached a point where we can grow the organization and its partnerships - in its own right, as REPLOY Power,” said Rod Chaplin.

REPLOY Power will retain a familiar team, with Rod Chaplin as CEO and Dr J. Stephen Herring as the SPS Concept Designer. Dr. Herring was quoted as saying:

“We are pleased with the progress in taking the concept into commercialization. Additionally, the team at our engineering partner has been fantastic at collaborating and bringing industry expertise to establish concept realization in key areas.”

The SPS is a remotely operated offshore system for nuclear power, designed specifically for rapid deployment and scalability, cost efficiency, optimal safety and technological flexibility. Each SPS unit has an optimal power range of 300Mwe - 600Mwe, and the units are designed to be quickly deployed and scaled in an array. At REPLOY Power, we are passionate about the significant, industry changing economic potential of the SPS for the US, and for clean power globally.

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